
Bohally School has two challenges available for the Year 8 students and I am doing both of them. They are the 40 Book Challenge and the MP Challenge. I have also recorded some information about my Piano and Sporting achievements, as this website was a rather convenient way to do so.

40 Book Challenge

The 40 book challenge involves reading 40 books from 14 different genres. The school lets you count up to 225 pages as a single book, 226–450 pages as two books and 451–675 pages as three books. It doesn’t say what happens with books longer than that, I suspect that if you read books longer than 675 pages that you are deemed to be a sweaty try-hard and it doesn’t count at all. Guess that makes me a bit of a sweaty try-hard… I have chosen to just count each book as one regardless of how long it is but will tally up both the actual book count and the Bohally book count at the end. You can read more about it on my 40 Book Challenge page.

MP Challenge

The Maximising Potential Challenge is a series of challenges. You can read more about it on my MP Challenge page, but in brief the challenges cover the following elements:
Academic Challenges
Physical Activities
Getting Involved at Bohally
Community Service
Presentation of your MP Challenge activities
and an optional Extension Challenge

One thought on “Welcome”

  1. Matthew, this website is a great Keep sake for you. You have achieved a lot over your Year 8 year, and have demonstrated all of our 6c’s and Bohally school values to a proficient level. I have loved using this website as an example for students to aspire to, and I will continue to for years to come.

    The fact you were so committed to your 40 Book challenge alongside being so determined to challenge yourself in all areas was impressive. I hope you’re very proud of yourself.

    You have motivated me to read and write more! Thank you.

    You are a very talented boy with an impressive creative and critical mind, but alongside this you also with hold essential skills to get you through life and all of it’s challenges.

    Ka pai to mahi.

    Miss Crosbie

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