The Rabbit Island Triathlon

Today I had to get up at 5:30am for the Rabbit Island Triathlon. I was taken out from Blenheim to Renwick, where I was dropped off by mum and picked up by Lachlan’s dad, Warren. We drove out to Rabbit Island and Lachlan, who had done it last year, showed me the course.

I put my shoes, towel, and T-shirt on the ground, and my bike with my helmet on it on a rack. Then I waited for ages. Tristan from Motueka came later and we waited some more until the start of the race.

The swim was super short. It was only 250 meters. The sea was pretty calm so it was pretty easy. There were a lot of people around so it was at times hard to swim, but it was mostly easy.

The bike was super long. It was 9.3km, 4 laps around a course. There were some tight turns and steep hills, which made it really hard. There was also a nice long straight bit of road, with a sharp turn at the end, then another long straight bit going back up.

The run was so hard. My legs hurt really bad after the bike and it took ages to settle in. The sun was in my eyes a lot so it was hard to see. The finish was a relief and I was exhausted. I felt good that I had finished though, and glad that I had done it.

The results just came in. I got 4th in my age group! I’m really proud of this achievement!

2 thoughts on “The Rabbit Island Triathlon”

  1. I would say that you would be proud of yourself. A great effort.

    I was wondering how you keep count of the laps. How do they that you completed all of them or missed one?

    1. I keep track of the laps by counting them as I go past where I started them. I don’t know how they know when you’ve done them all though, they probably rely on you to keep track/be honest. I am very proud of myself!

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