The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

By C.S. Lewis
224 pages

Do you like books about magical worlds, where animals talk and amazing creatures roam?  The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is a non-fictional book about 4 children, Lucy, Peter, Susan and Edmund, who in WW2, were sent to an old professors’ house for safety. Their first day there the clouds opened up and rain poured down, meaning they couldn’t explore the area like they had originally planned. They settled for second best and decided to explore the house.

While they were exploring, Lucy, the youngest sibling, entered a room bare of furniture, but for a wardrobe made from the wood of a Narnia tree. She entered it and found a lot of coats, and she went deeper and deeper into it, until it was not coats she was feeling, but branches and leaves. She had unwittingly entered the land of Narnia. It appeared to be deep in winter, but it was in fact a curse cast by the new queen, the White Witch.

While there, she met a kindly faun named Tumnus, who invited her to his home, which was a cozy cave. They talked and ate for hours, until Lucy started getting worried and Tumnus admitted that he was a kidnapped under the a White Witch. He was good however, and released her. Lucy ran back, and found herself stumbling through not leaves, but coats. She ran to tell the others, and found that she had not been gone at all.

They all go into Narnia after some disagreement, and ran into Mr and Mrs Beaver, who let them into their dam. They found that Edmund had gone to join the White Witch, because he thought she would make him a prince, and they went to find Aslan, the mighty lion who gave life to Narnia, and together, they fought against the White a Witch, to bring good back to Narnia.

I really enjoyed this book, and recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy. I like C.S. Lewis’s style of writing, because it keeps me eager and interested in the story. It is a great story, and gets a 10 of 10.

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