The Magicians Nephew

By C.S. Lewis
183 pages

Digory and Polly are two children who, when they sneak into Digorys’ Uncle Andrews’ bedroom, are teleported by him, into a place they called the wood between the worlds. There were many pools, all the same, in that wood, and if they jumped into one, they would be transported to another world. They were teleported to a world at the end of its days, where Digory accidentally awakened a magical mistress, who would later become known as the White Witch. The children tried to escape, but they accidentally took her to their own world, our world, where she wreaked havoc until taken back to the wood between the worlds, along with Uncle Andrew, using his magical rings. They then tried to escape into another world, but the witch followed them, and they came into a world of darkness. Then, they heard a singing, beautiful singing, rolling across the land, and a sun rose, a new sun. Animals burst out of mounds in the ground and life grew. The singer was a mighty lion, named Aslan, who christened the land as Narnia. The witch escaped, and became later known as the White Witch. Because Digory had bought her into the world, he had to save Narnia. Can he do it?

I really enjoyed this book, because of the way it hooked me in and held fast through the whole story. There was never a boring bit in it. It had a wonderful ending, which immediately got me hooked into the next book, before I had even started it! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good fantasy, and give it a nine out of ten.

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