La Belle Sauvage

By Phillip Pullman
592 pages

Malcolm Polstead is a boy who works for his parents at their inn, The Trout. One day, a baby named Lyra Belacqua is placed in the Priory across the river from the inn, and Malcolm finds that the baby is of some importance. One day, a huge flood came, and Malcolm saved Lyra, as well as Alice, a girl who worked at The Trout in his canoe, the La Belle Sauvage, which had just been renovated by a man named Lord Asriel, who was Lyra’s father, because Malcolm had lent it to him. They went cascading down the flood. Will they survive?

This book was really good and was a cool backstory to His Dark Materials. I give it a 9 of 10 and recommend it to teens.

The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge

by M.T. Anderson, Eugene Yelchin
516 pages

Brangwain Spurge is a scholar from Elfland, and was catapulted over the mountains into Tenebrion, the goblin castle. There, he was met by the goblin scholar, Werfel, who was to be Brangwains’ guide in Tenebrion. Brangwain ultimately screwed up, and ended up ruining Werfel’s career, as well as making Werfel hate him. In the end, they came together and made up.

Very funny book, I loved reading it. I give it an 8 of 10 and recommend it to an age group of 9 to 13.

The Last Battle

By C.S. Lewis
240 pages

King Tirian is the last king of Narnia, the wonderful world where animals talk and magic exists. Trouble, however, is brewing in the forest, where an ape has a donkey dressed in a lion skin pretending to be Aslan, and is saying “Aslans” wishes and having the animals fulfill them. Can Narnia be saved?

The final story in this series was a great one. It built up to a huge climax, and rounded the entire series off nicely. I give it a 10 of 10, and recommend it to Narnia fans.


By Morris Gleitzman
150 pages

The war is over, and Felix had hoped that everything would go back to normal, but he was wrong. Living in a ruined city in Poland, he and Gabriek have to get by. Felix meets some new people, friend and foe, and he struggles to survive with more and more difficulties being added into his life. Can he make it?

I really enjoyed this book, I started reading it, and didn’t stop till I’d finished it. I’d recommend it to a mature age group, and give it 9/10.