Speaker For The Dead

By Orson Scott Card
415 pages

Novinha, a girl living in the Lusitania colony, was a lonely girl. Her parents, Os Venerados, were killed by the Descolada, a horrible disease, just after they found a cure. Then she met Pipo and Libo, the Zenador and apprentice of the colony. She had finally found a family, until Pipo was killed by the piggies, an alien species the Zenador, Pipo, was studying. Novinha was in shock, and so she called for a speaker for the dead.

This book was very good, although it has been called intense, and I recommend it to anyone who read Enders Game.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

By J.K. Rowling
636 pages

The Tri-Wizard championships are being held at Hogwarts this year, and students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have come to try out. Only one student from each school will be selected as a champion, and they will have to go up against 3 tough challenges, the winner receiving the Tri-Wizard Cup. People are putting their names in the goblet, hoping to be chosen. Will Harry be chosen?

And…another awesome book in the series, which is a must read after the first three.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

By J.K. Rowling
317 pages

Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban! Azkaban, the wizard prison, has never had a breakout before, and the Dementors, the guards of the prison, are furious. Sirius was said to be a Death Eater, one of Voldemort’s evil followers, and Voldemort loathes Harry. Will he survive, or succumb to the dark lord at last?

Another really good book, I never wanted to stop reading it. If you have read the first two Harry Potter books, go read this one now. Like, right now!

The Walk

For my M.P. Challenge I did a three day tramp with my dad. It was from the Pelorus road-end to the Maitai dam. We went as a family to Emerald Pools, where mum and Andrew left. We started walking along the track, all the way to Captain Creek Hut, where we stayed until next morning. Then we walked to Middy Hut, but we didn’t stay for more than an hour, we had to get to Rocks Hut, where we would stay the night. To get there, we had to climb 650 meters, for Rocks Hut was near the top of a mountain. It was a hard climb, and it was good to get to the Hut. There was a sign that had a picture of a helicopter on it, and said no camping. It was cool. I got to read till a 11 with candles because there was no electricity. The next morning, we walked up to the Dun Saddle, and then descended. We went down a trail that walkers and mountain bikers use, but we didn’t run into any mountain bikers. It was raining for a good bit of it, but it died away. Overall, it was a tough challenge but I’m glad I did it.

Day 1

We started out from the Pelorus road-end, and walked for 1 hour to Emerald Pools. We stayed there for 20 mins, before leaving. We then walked about 2 hours and a half to Captain Creek Hut. It was small, with 6 beds. There I found a book called Atlantis Found, by Clive Cussler, which I read and carried with me up to Rocks Hut, where I left it for other trampers to read. We lit a fire, to make the Hut nice and warm, then I read for most of the rest of the time we were there. We got up in the morning, had breakfast and left.

Day 2

We left Captain Creek Hut, and walked along the trail. There were a few swing-bridges along the way, and it was a fun walk. We then got to Middy Hut about 2hrs later. We still had more walking to do though. We had to get up to Rocks Hut, a 650 meter climb. It was very hard. We eventually got to the Hut, and rested for ages there. We lit the fire and I read my book. We went up to the lookout and then went back to the Hut because it was getting dark. The Hut was warm by then and I read till 11.

Day 3

We left Rocks Hut and climbed up to the Dun saddle. It was rainy and foggy, so we got really wet. Once we got to the saddle, it was downhill the rest of the way. It eventually stopped raining and we went down and down and down. We were on a track that mountain bikes used as well, but we didn’t run into any. When we got to the dam, mum and Andrew were there and we went home. It was good to get home. I enjoyed the tramp a lot and would do it again. But much later, I’m too tired to right now.

Link to my RAMS form

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

By J.K. Rowlings
251 pages

The Chamber is Secrets has been opened. People around the school are being paralysed at random. The finger is pointed at Harry, who must find a way to close the chamber before anyone is hurt or killed. Can he do it?

This was a very good 2nd book in the Harry Potter series, and I can’t wait to read the next one!

Ender’s Game

By Orson Scott Card
324 pages

50 yrs ago, when the Buggers first attacked, they had far more advanced technology than Earth. The only reason we survived was because of a great commander, Mazer Rackham. Now, the International Fleet needs another great commander, to lead Earth against the Buggers, and drive them away for good. Ender was 6 yrs old when he first got to Battle School, the first step in creating future commanders, and he immediately showed potential. Can he drive off the Buggers?

This was my favourite book I’ve read in a long time, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to read it after reading this review.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

By J.K. Rowling
223 pages

Harry Potter is an abused child who, on his 11th birthday, is told that he is a wizard, and that he has been admitted into Hogwarts, a wizarding school. Harry can barely believe it, he was finally free from his horrid aunt and uncle and his obese cousin, Dudley. But trouble is brewing at Hogwarts, involving a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. It’s up to Harry and his friends, to stop Voldemort from gaining power once more. Can he do it?

I really liked this book, it hooked me in from the beginning, and I would give it a 9/10.