The Button War

By Avi (Edward Irving Wortis)
240 pages

Patryk, a 12 year old boy living in a Polish village during WW1, is a member of a group of 7 friends, Drugi, Jurek, Makary, Raclaw, Wojtex and of course, Patryk. One day in the forest, Patryk finds an old button. Jurek threatens to beat Patryk with a stick unless he gives the button to him. And so the button war began. Patryks village was occupied by the Russians, and Jurek stole a button from a soldiers uniform. He then told Patryk it was way better than the one he found in the forest. The button war escalated, until it was a life and death situation.

I thought that this book was amazing, but my mother thinks that it was horrifyingly gruesome and extreme. DO NOT let anyone under the age of 12 or your mother read this book, says my mum. I say it is a book for mature audiences only.

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