Children Of The Mind

By Orson Scott Card
349 pages

With the looming threat of Lusitania being blown up by a fleet armed with the M.D. Device, the people of the colony are hurrying to save their world. With the ability of faster-than-light travel, things are looking up, but there are downsides. Jane, a living computer program, is about to get shut down, and Ender, the author of the Hive Queen, the Hegemon and the Life Of Human, is dying. Will the people of the Lusitania Colony be able to save themselves, or will they be wiped off the map by Starways Congress?

This was a great book, but don’t read unless you have read Ender’s Game, Speaker For The Dead, and Xenocide. This book, I would recommend to a mature audience, and give a 10/10

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