Marlborough Performing Arts Competition

Today I performed pieces for 5 categories of the 11 & under 14 section of the Marlborough Performing Arts Piano Competition. I was really nervous before I played each piece, and for the final piece I played, Piano Man, I was so nervous that my pedalling-leg was shaking!

20th Century ClassicalTango Passionis
I was placed second in this section and the judge wrote (in very messy handwriting) “This performance had well judged dynamics and good balance. The tempo was consistent and the mood was very well communicated. A good performance.”

Piano Solo Test PieceMelody
I got first in this section and won the Rowlands Cup as well as a gold medal. My music teacher won the cup in 1981. The judge wrote “There was a good feeling for the style, with nicely shaped phrases, and good hand balance. The right hand had good singing style. Dynamics were used to good effect. Touch was just a little uneven at times.”

Piano NZ ComposerIt Takes Two
I was placed second in this piece also and the judge wrote “The mood was very clear from the start. Notes were fluent and accurate. Dynamics and articulation were well observed. A fine performance.”

Pre 20th CenturyStudy in E Minor
I made a couple of mistakes in this piece and was tied for third in this section. The judge wrote “There was some good shaping and nuance. Tempo was a little inconsistent at times but there was good attention to detail. There were one or two slips in notes, but generally a good performance.”

Modern Piano SoloPiano Man
I was second again in this section but was pleased with how I played. The judge wrote “The style was clear from the start. The balance was good, but the tempo was not consistent. There were some little hesitations. Dynamics were effective. The mood was mostly conveyed.”

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