
By Morris Gleitzman
161 pages

Zelda is staying with her grandfather, Felix, who became a surgeon, but had to retire because of shaky hands. Zelda is having trouble living up to her namesake, Felix’s friend who died at the hands of Nazis, who was bold, brave, and kind. But when it comes down to it, will Zelda be able to do what is needed, or will she fail?

This was a great book, and I give it a 10/10!


By Morris Gleitzman
240 pages

Felix, Anya, and Gabriek have survived so far. With each other’s help, they have kept on going. Now, it seems the war may be ending, and Felix has been offered a chance to go to Australia, where he could become a doctor. But doing so will mean leaving Gabriek and Anya, with her unborn baby, behind. To complicate matters more, an assassin named Zliv is after them, as they killed his brother. Will they live, as they deserve, or die like so many others?

This was a great book, and I give it a 10/10.

The Boundless

By Kenneth Oppel
352 pages

There is danger aboard the boundless. With a dangerous man trying to break into a top secret carriage, Will Everett must, with the help of some friends, protect the secrets inside. But will he be able to avoid any casualties, or will lives be lost because of a mans greed?

This was a very good book, I give it a 10/10 and recommend it to all!

The Button War

By Avi (Edward Irving Wortis)
240 pages

Patryk, a 12 year old boy living in a Polish village during WW1, is a member of a group of 7 friends, Drugi, Jurek, Makary, Raclaw, Wojtex and of course, Patryk. One day in the forest, Patryk finds an old button. Jurek threatens to beat Patryk with a stick unless he gives the button to him. And so the button war began. Patryks village was occupied by the Russians, and Jurek stole a button from a soldiers uniform. He then told Patryk it was way better than the one he found in the forest. The button war escalated, until it was a life and death situation.

I thought that this book was amazing, but my mother thinks that it was horrifyingly gruesome and extreme. DO NOT let anyone under the age of 12 or your mother read this book, says my mum. I say it is a book for mature audiences only.


By Morris Gleitzman
150 pages

The war is over, and Felix had hoped that everything would go back to normal, but he was wrong. Living in a ruined city in Poland, he and Gabriek have to get by. Felix meets some new people, friend and foe, and he struggles to survive with more and more difficulties being added into his life. Can he make it?

I really enjoyed this book, I started reading it, and didn’t stop till I’d finished it. I’d recommend it to a mature age group, and give it 9/10.


By Morris Gleitzman
150 pages

Felix was put into a church by his parents to protect him from the Nazi’s. Felix wanted to leave the church and despite warnings that it would be unsafe he ran away. He found a little girl named Zelda whose Nazi parents were killed by the Jewish resistance. Felix made up stories to keep Zelda happy as they made their way to the city to find his parents.

I gave this book a rating of 10/10