Ender In Exile

By Orson Scott Card
465 pages

After the Buggers were defeated, Ender couldn’t go back to earth, he would be overwhelmed. Instead he heads out into the universe, to govern a new colony, on a new planet. The journey will take a while though, and there are other things Ender has to deal with…

This was a super awesome book, that I absolutely recommend to a mature audience, and give it a 10/10.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

By Douglas Adams
192 pages

Arthur Dent finds himself back on Earth, even though it had been destroyed by the Vogons, to make a hyperspace bypass. Everything seemed normal. While he had been gone several years in space, it has only been a few months on Earth. Also, there are no dolphins. Arthur is left confused, and tries to figure out what has happened. Can he?

This was yet another good book by Douglas Adams, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Children Of The Mind

By Orson Scott Card
349 pages

With the looming threat of Lusitania being blown up by a fleet armed with the M.D. Device, the people of the colony are hurrying to save their world. With the ability of faster-than-light travel, things are looking up, but there are downsides. Jane, a living computer program, is about to get shut down, and Ender, the author of the Hive Queen, the Hegemon and the Life Of Human, is dying. Will the people of the Lusitania Colony be able to save themselves, or will they be wiped off the map by Starways Congress?

This was a great book, but don’t read unless you have read Ender’s Game, Speaker For The Dead, and Xenocide. This book, I would recommend to a mature audience, and give a 10/10


By Orson Scott Card
592 pages

The Lusitania Colony is under threat by a fleet sent by Starways Congress, because they rebelled after being requested to send away 2 scientists for trial on Trondheim, a neighbouring planet. The fleet is carrying the M.D. Device, a weapon so powerful that it can destroy a planet, and it is likely that they will use it. It is a rush on the surface of Lusitania to neutralise the descolada, which is more complicated than it seems, save Jane, who’s life may be at risk, and achieve faster-than-light travel, which is just as hard as it sounds. Will the Lusitanians survive, or perish at the hands of Congress, and their fleet.

I really liked this book, it had a complicated plot and kept me hooked in. I recommend this book for strong readers over 12, and give it a 10 out of 10.

Speaker For The Dead

By Orson Scott Card
415 pages

Novinha, a girl living in the Lusitania colony, was a lonely girl. Her parents, Os Venerados, were killed by the Descolada, a horrible disease, just after they found a cure. Then she met Pipo and Libo, the Zenador and apprentice of the colony. She had finally found a family, until Pipo was killed by the piggies, an alien species the Zenador, Pipo, was studying. Novinha was in shock, and so she called for a speaker for the dead.

This book was very good, although it has been called intense, and I recommend it to anyone who read Enders Game.