MTC Open Evening

On Wednesday 6 November, I helped out at the Marlborough Technology Centre (MTC), from 6pm-8pm. I was a little late getting there as I was also playing in the band at the Bohally Yr 6 Info evening. I worked as a helper/guide in video tech, where we learn about producing films. At first, we didn’t get many people in, but as soon as the Bohally Info evening was done, a flood of children and parents came through, and we quickly had our hands full. It was really fun, and I learnt a lot about video production.

Helping out in the Community

This year at Bohally Intermediate, we have a challenge called the M.P. Challenge, for which we have to do different tasks to be completed by the end of the year. One of those tasks is 8 hrs work in the community.

I got a golden opportunity when Linda, my music teacher, made me a leader of a group at Theory Club. Theory Club is a music group, where we do musical theory, and play games linked to music. This helps young musicians to become better at music, in a fun way! We spend 45 mins doing theory, then 30 mins doing games!

I help by assisting the kids in my group with anything they are unsure about, and making sure they are having fun, and that they understand what to do.

I have been a leader now for 16 sessions, meaning that in total, I have spent 8 hours being a leader at Theory Club! I have helped out the members of my group, and led us to victory in many group contests.

The truth is, I hadn’t actually enjoyed Theory Club that much, prior to being a leader of a team. Then, once we started doing group activities, and I started leading one of those groups, it motivated me to continue attending, and I actually really enjoyed it. I am glad to be a member of Theory Club, and hope to continue doing it in the future!